A Smile Says A LOT about YOU!!!

A Smile says A LOT about YOU. 8/10 people say that the SMILE is one of the first things that they notice about someone. 

In fact, in a news article from "The Under Cover Recruiter," http://theundercoverrecruiter.com/grammar-teeth/ , they reports that the NUMBER ONE trait that singles look for are...........


"Earlier this week, the online dating website Match.com released the results of a study on what singles look for in potential dating partners. The results weren't particularly surprising, but the prioritization was. Number one on the list - nice teeth. Number two - good grammar. It makes sense. A first date is an introduction to what could possibly (and for some, hopefully) be a long-term relationship. And who wants to spend the next several years of their life with someone who sounds uneducated...or who has bad teeth?"